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΄Παραλαβή Θάλασσα 29/1/2025


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Νέα Παραλαβή 25/1/2025

Zebrasoma Flavescens - Yellow Tang - Captive Bred
Bodianus Anthioides
Opistognathus Aurifrons - Yellowhead Jawfish
Chromis Viridis - Green Reef Chromis
Cirrhilabrus Solorensis (bali) - Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse -M
Flame Angelfish-(Centropyge loricula)
Pomacanthus Annularis - Annularis Angelfish (M)
Chaetodon Kleinii (M)
Halichoeres Hortulanus
Coris Gaimard - Coris wrasse
Pomacanthus Navarchus - Blue Girdled Angelfish (M)
Acanthurus Japonicus - Powder Brown Tang (M)
Valenciennea Strigata - Sleeper Gold Head Goby (M)
Gramma Loreto - Royal Gramma
Nemateleotris Magnifica - Firefish
Salarias Ramosus
Siganus Vulpinus - Foxface Rabbitfish (M)
Acanthurus Pyroferus - Chocolate Surgeonfish (M)
Bodianus Diana
Amblyeleotris Randalli
Acanthurus Olivaceus (M)
Cirrhilabrus Adornatus
Rhinecanthus Verrucosus (M)
Acanthurus Tristis (JUV S)
Gobiodon Okinawae - Yellow Clown Goby
Zebrasoma Xanthurum - Purple Tang (M)

Hippocampus Erectus T.B. (PAIR)
Tectus Conus sp.
Lysmata Wurdemanni - Peppermint Shrimp
Archaster Typicus - Sand Sifting Sea Star
Linckia Laevigata - Blue Linckia Sea Star
Berghia Nudibranch (aiptasia)

Cirrhilabrus Adornatus.jpg

Rhinecanthus Verrucosus (M).jpeg




Hippocampus Erectus T.B..jpg

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