billaus Posted July 13, 2017 #1 Share Posted July 13, 2017 (edited) Καλησπερα. Σκεφτομαι στο καινουριο ενυδρειο που φτιαχνω να ετοιμασω το aquascape και μολις τελειωσω αφου βαλω και τα φυτα να το δουλεψω ετσι και να δω ποτε θα στρωσει. Δεν ξερω αν πρεπει να βαλω και ετοιμα βακτηρια. Θα δουλεψουν χωρις να τους δινω τροφη; Μηπως τα φυτα τους δινουν καποια τροφη; Edited July 13, 2017 by billaus 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DIMITRIOS Posted July 13, 2017 #2 Share Posted July 13, 2017 Ο Untergasser σε παλαιότερο σεμινάριο του ΑΖ, μας είχε πει ότι η ύπαρξη φυτών επιταχύνει την διαδικασία στρωσίματος 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rik Posted July 13, 2017 #3 Share Posted July 13, 2017 Εαν βαλεις καποιο υποστρωμα που εχει και οργανικη ουσια τοτε τα βακτηρια θα εχουν τροφη για να αποικησουν το ενυδρειο. Σε αυτη την περιπτωση καλο ειναι να βαλεις μεγαλη φυτομαζα 80% και καλο ειναι το ΡΗ να ειναι κοντα στο ουδετερο. Εως καποιο σημειο τα φυτα μπορουν να βοηθησουν αλλα εαν ανεβει αρκετα η αμμωνια και εχεις ΡΗ 7'5 πχ τοτε μπορει και να τα καψεις. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
billaus Posted July 13, 2017 Author #4 Share Posted July 13, 2017 Υποστρωμα δεν θα βαλω και τα φυτα θα ειναι λιγα σχετικα. Απλα επειδη δεν εχω την βιασινη ενος νεου χομπιστα δεν εχω θεμα ποσο καιρο θα παρει να στρωθει. Και θα ηθελα να πειραματιστω για να δω ποτε θα ολοκληρωθει με τα υπαρχοντα στοιχεια αυτου τιυ ενυδρειου. Τα προηγουμενα ενυδρεια τα εχω στρωσει με σκευασματα και ψαρια καθως και το τελευταιο μου με μπολι. Σημερα σε μια ερευνα σε μαγαζι ειδα οτι υπαρχει και ενα σκευασμα της jbl το που λεγετε quick start αν δεν κανω λαθος. Περιεχει μεσα 15000 βακτιρια και μπαινει απευθειας μεσα στο φιλτρο. Απο την αλλη μερα τοποθετεις μεσα ψαρια και με οργανωμενη τοποθετηση ψαριων εννοω 2-3 ψαρακια καθε δεκα μερες, εχεις τι ενυδρειο ετοιμο χωρις καμια απωλεια. Γενικα εχουν προχωρησει πολυ οι εταιριες και πιστευω οτι αν καποιος κανει τι αυτονοητο δηλαδη οτι γραφει η εταιρια, δεν θα εχει κανενα προβλημα με το στρωσιμο του ενυδρειου του. Αυτη ειναι η αποψη μου γιατι καποιοι πιστευουν ακομα και σημερα οτι ο τροπος στρωσιματος ειναι ενας.(αυτος που αυτοι στρωνανε τοσα χρονια) και δεν δεχονται κουβεντα για αλλο τροπο στρωσιματος. Παντως εγω θα δοκιμασω ετσι για να δω ποσο χρονο θα παρει. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rik Posted July 13, 2017 #5 Share Posted July 13, 2017 Απο την στιγμη που θες να πας σε λιγα και ευκολα φυτα θα εισαι μια χαρα με καποιο χαλαζιακο χαλικακι η αμμο. Αν μαλιστα ειναι ξαναχρησιμοποιημενο ακομη καλυτερα μια που θα εχει και καποια βιολογια η οποια θα βοηθησει να στρωσει ποιο γρηγορα το ενυδρειο. Τωρα οσο αφορα τα διαφορα σκευασματα θα μου επιτρεψεις να εχω τις αμφιβολιες μου μια που εχω δοκιμασει αρκετα και παντα η αμμωνια εκανε την εμφανισει της και μπορει να βοηθανε γενικος αλλα ο καθενας εχει προσωπικη αποψη στο τη ειναι καλυτερο για τα ζωντανα του και στο ποτε να τα εισαγει μεσα σε ενα ενυδρειο. Οπως και να εχει αν εχεις μπολι ειναι η καλυτερη λυση η βιολογικα κεραμικα απο καποιο παλιο εστω και σταματημενο ενυδρειο μεσα σε δεκα μερες θα ειναι παλι οκ. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
billaus Posted July 14, 2017 Author #6 Share Posted July 14, 2017 Θα συμφωνησω μαζι σου οτι ναι μπορει να μην ειναι ετσι οπως τα λενε κατω απο καποιες ιδιαιτερες ομως συνθηκες. Τι εννοω. Οταν το σκευασμα σου λεει οτι μετα απο ενα 24ωρο βαζεις ψαρια αυτο εχει καποιες παραμετρους. Οι οποιες δεν γραφονται φυσικα. Δηλαδη, αν εγω βαλω σε ενα ενυδρειο 180 λιτρων 5 τετρα , δεν προκειται να σηκωσει αμμωνια ποτε. Οταν βαλω σε 100 λιτρα ενα ουαρου θα βαρεσει κοκκινα σε 12 ωρες απο αμμωνια. Γι αυτο ισως τα σκευασματα αυτα να θελουν λιγο παραπανω εμπειρια απο το να τα παρει ενας που ξεκιναει τωρα το χομπι. Σιγουρα το μπολι ειναι απο τις πιο σιγουρες μεθοδους ομως και εκει θελει προσοχη ως προς το ποσα και ποτε θα βαλεις ψαρια. Και εκει γινεται ενα pick στις μετρησεις και μετα ολοκληρωνεται ο κυκλος. Αρα και εκει πρεπει να εχουμε το νου μας και να παρακολουθουμε τις τιμες. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rik Posted July 14, 2017 #7 Share Posted July 14, 2017 Αν δεν το βιαζεσαι οπως αναφερεις τοτε απλα τριβε λιγη τροφη καθε 2 με 3 ημερες και σε κανενα μηνα θα εισαι με ενα φρεσκοστρωμενο ενυδρειο. Ουτε βακτηρια ουτε ζωντανα τιποτα. Τα σκευασματα μπορει να σου προσφερουν οτι βακτηρια θες αλλα οι ζυμωσεις που πρεπει να γινουν στο ενυδρειο μονο ο χρονος μπορει να στο προσφερει. Για αυτο λενε φετα τριμηνης ωριμανσεις γιατι αλλιως τρως ασβεστη οπως λεμε στα μερη μας τουλαχιστων. Η φυση εχει τον τροπο της χωρις τεχνιτα μεσα. Μπορει βαζωντας ψαρια μεσα φαινομενικα να δειχνουν καλα και εφοσων δεν εχουμε απωλειες τοτε λεμε οτι ολα ειναι οκ αλλα δυστηχως στην ουσια μειωνουμε το χρονικο περιθωριο ζωης τους αν δεν αρρωστησουν οπως πολλες φορες βλεπω απο συνχομπυστες με τα ψαρια τους μετα απο λιγους μηνες. Ειναι οπως καποιους ανθρωπους οπου δουλευουν σε ορυχεια πχ και φτανουν δεν φτανουν ενα πολυ μεγαλο ποσοστο στα 60 τους πχ. Δεν προσπαθω να σου κανω κυρηγμα ουτε να σε οδηγησω προς καποια μεθοδο στρωσιματος απλα φαινομενικα μπορει να δειχνουν ολα καλα αλλα στην πραξει μπορει να μην ειναι και τοσο ροδινα τα πραγματα περαν της εμπειριας του καθενος. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣ Posted July 16, 2017 #8 Share Posted July 16, 2017 Φίλε billaus μια χαρά τα λές και μια χαρά θα πάς γιατί έχεις κατανοήσει πλήρως τη διαδικασία !!! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rik Posted July 16, 2017 #9 Share Posted July 16, 2017 Φιλε Σταματη προσωπικα για μενα δεν ειναι θεμα κατανοησης αλλα νοοτροπιας και προσωπικης μου αρχης. Μπορουμε ευκολα και λογο καλης εμπειριας να παμε το παιδι μας και χωρις κρανος στο σχολειο επειδη ειναι σχετικα κοντα αλλα προσωπικα δεν το ρισκαρω και ας ξερω οτι ειμαι εμπειρος οδηγος. Για αυτο και δεν επιμενω πια σε καποια συγκεκριμενη μεθοδο στρωσιματος γιατι θα θεωρουμε στο τελος και συντηριτικος. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣ Posted July 16, 2017 #10 Share Posted July 16, 2017 πριν 9 λεπτά, το μέλος Rik έγραψε: Φιλε Σταματη προσωπικα για μενα δεν ειναι θεμα κατανοησης αλλα νοοτροπιας και προσωπικης μου αρχης. Μπορουμε ευκολα και λογο καλης εμπειριας να παμε το παιδι μας και χωρις κρανος στο σχολειο επειδη ειναι σχετικα κοντα αλλα προσωπικα δεν το ρισκαρω και ας ξερω οτι ειμαι εμπειρος οδηγος. Για αυτο και δεν επιμενω πια σε καποια συγκεκριμενη μεθοδο στρωσιματος γιατι θα θεωρουμε στο τελος και συντηριτικος. Ο τρόπος που αναφέρει ο billaus θεωρώ ότι είναι οτι ποιο ασφαλές για τα ψάρια . Κάτι σαν να λέμε να βάζεις κράνος πάντα στο παιδί όταν πας ακόμα και στο περίπτερο ! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.Angelos Posted July 16, 2017 #11 Share Posted July 16, 2017 Εγω νομιζω τα βακτιρια ειναι μια χαρα γιατι εγω ετσι εστροσα το πρωτο μου ενυδρειο και μετα το μεγαλο με μπολι.... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rik Posted July 16, 2017 #12 Share Posted July 16, 2017 Αγγελε ξεχνας πως ο ψαρις σου αρρωστησε...που το βλεπεις το ολα καλα;;; και δεν εισαι ουτε ο πρωτος ουτε ο τελευταιος που την παταει. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fwtini Posted July 17, 2017 #13 Share Posted July 17, 2017 καλημερα! κ παλι μετα το στρωσιμο, οποια μεθοδο κ αν ακολουθησεις, θα θελει προσοχη. αν στρωσεις ενα ενυδρειο χωρις ψαρια, η βιολογια που θα αναπτυχθει θα ειναι οση επαρκει για τις αναγκες των οργανισμων στο συστημα σου. οταν βαλεις μετα στην εξισωση ψαρια, θα προσθεσεις ρυπους που η βιολογια σου δε θα ειναι ετοιμη να διασπασει εξαρχης. δε θα εισαι στο 0 σιγουρα αλλα θα χρειαστει κ εκει λιγη προσοχη στον αριθμο των ψαριων μπλα μπλα.. αφου δεν εισαι νεος χομπιστας δε σου λεω κατι καινουργιο, απλα δε θελω να μπει κ κανενας νεος κ να το διαβασει κ να βγαλει λαθος συμπερασματα. βεβαια η πιο νεα στο ποστ ειμαι εγω, οποτε αν κανω καπου λαθος, πειτε μου 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Χρήστος Posted July 17, 2017 #14 Share Posted July 17, 2017 Πολλές φορές η ημιμάθεια η βιασύνη και το κατεστημένο γίνονται ένα επικίνδυνο κοκτέιλ με αποτελέσματα που φαίνονται άμεσα ή στο μέλλον για αυτό μου μπήκε η ιδέα να γράψω ξανά για το στρώσιμο των ενυδρείων αλλά αυτήν την φορά απο μια διαφορετική οπτική γωνία ποιο βαθιά και ποιο επιστημονική με πολλές άγνωστες πτυχές. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.Angelos Posted July 17, 2017 #15 Share Posted July 17, 2017 πριν 8 ώρες, το μέλος Rik έγραψε: Αγγελε ξεχνας πως ο ψαρις σου αρρωστησε...που το βλεπεις το ολα καλα;;; και δεν εισαι ουτε ο πρωτος ουτε ο τελευταιος που την παταει. ο ψαρις αρρωστησε μια φορα και ηταν ταλαιπωριμενος ομως το ενυδρειο το εστροσα και εχει καλες μετρισεις κτλ δεν λεω οτι ειναι και οτι καλητερο αλλα τουλαχιστον δουλευουν.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fwtini Posted July 17, 2017 #16 Share Posted July 17, 2017 2 hours ago, Χρήστος said: Πολλές φορές η ημιμάθεια η βιασύνη και το κατεστημένο γίνονται ένα επικίνδυνο κοκτέιλ με αποτελέσματα που φαίνονται άμεσα ή στο μέλλον για αυτό μου μπήκε η ιδέα να γράψω ξανά για το στρώσιμο των ενυδρείων αλλά αυτήν την φορά απο μια διαφορετική οπτική γωνία ποιο βαθιά και ποιο επιστημονική με πολλές άγνωστες πτυχές. ακριβως, και εδω ειμαστε για να μαθουμε, ανταλλασσοντας αποψεις κτλ. επειδη το ποστ σου ηταν ακριβως μετα το δικο μου κ επειδη οι γνωσεις μου πραγματικα ειναι ελλιπεις, μηπως εχεις κατι να διορθωσεις σε αυτα που ειπα? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Χρήστος Posted July 17, 2017 #17 Share Posted July 17, 2017 όλα είναι σχετικά σε γενικές γραμμές αυτά που γράφεις είναι ορθά. και λέω σε γενικές γραμμές γιατί αν προσθέσουμε μερικά αν το σκηνικό αλλάζει. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rik Posted July 17, 2017 #18 Share Posted July 17, 2017 Επειδή το να υποστηρίζω την ολοκλήρωση του κύκλου και μετά να μπει οποιοδήποτε ζωντανό μπορεί να θεωρηθεί προσωπική μου πεποίθηση και να φαίνετε σαν να βάλομε προς όλους και όλες νομίζοντας ότι είμαι κάποιος κολλημένος και συντηρητικών πεποιθήσεων, σας αναφέρω μερικούς μεγάλους επαγγελματίες και βιολόγους του χωρου για το πιες είναι οι κατευθύνσεις τους ως προς το θέμα. Takashi Amano Question: If you do not have the confidence to begin, or doubt your inherent artistic abilities, this article is for you. It is meant to be your guide. Follow the guidelines and you will not only achieve your goal — you will soon become an experienced aquascaping artist! Answer: Before we begin, you need to understand that plants AND fishes are equally important in your aquarium, and that by providing the best conditions for your plants to grow, you actually are doing the same for your fishes. When your plants have everything they need to grow well, they simultaneously provide the best conditions for your fishes, as plants use up wastes and excessive nutrients in the water that may cause Nitrate levels to spike, and in return produce oxygen which is indispensable to the life of fishes. You also need to know that whenever you start a new set-up, your tank needs to cycle before you put in any fish. Granted, there are some wonderfully magic potions these days, that will allow you to almost instantly create an aquarium — and you can use them even when using my method — but some cycling is really better, because it saves you all those problems you are likely to encounter while your tank still struggles to balance itself, potion or not. So ask yourself: Is instant really the best thing for you? Consider this: Amano, the master of planted tanks, works in exactly the way I encourage you to work, and in the rare instance when he works with an already filled tank, he will not even touch a single plant or rock before the tank he is going to work in is fully cycled! If you follow my way, you will embrace cycling. With my method, planting is the last task of your aquascaping process, because you will have completed the main part of designing and creating the aquascape well before – and outside of your tank! What is more, instead of experiencing the frustration of waiting aimlessly through the cycling process, you will actually be able to look at a tank full of beautiful plants beginning to settle and grow in — well on its way to becoming a stunning aquarium, and in the meantime will be able to ensure that everything runs perfectly, well before you introduce fish. Tom Barr After setting up your tank give it a week or two to see how it is behaving and if the plants have settled down and have started growing. Also make sure that your water parameters are fine. If this is the case and ONLY if you have also planted very heavily, then you can go ahead and add a couple of algae eaters into your tank. Algae eaters go a long way in keeping your tank spotless and algae free, more-so in such a tank where algae growth, if any, will be very slow and the fish will be able to keep up with it. Otos are regarded as one of the best algae eating fish out there although there are other fish/inverts you could pick too (eg: SAE, shrimps). Some might balk at the idea of adding fish to an “uncycled” tank, but the truth of the matter is that if you have a heavily planted tank in which the plants are healthy and growing, the plants will effectively cycle the tank by immediately consuming any ammonia that is introduced into the system. After 2-3 more weeks if everything is going well and your plants are growing and look healthy you can go ahead and add the rest of your fish. Diana Walstad Top Fin Bacterial Supplement has the wrong species of bacteria. Waste of money. Here is the fishless cycle. Make sure the water parameters are in the correct ranges for optimum growth of the bacteria. If you want to add a bacterial supplement make sure you select one that has the correct species of bacteria: Nitrospira. Since your tank already has too much ammonia, I would do a really big water change (100%, then partial fill, then 100%) before adding any Nitrospira. Generally these products do well when there is just a trace of ammonia to get them going, then they can get themselves established very quickly and can deal with rising ammonia for example from soil that has just been submerged. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cycle: To grow the beneficial bacteria that remove ammonia and nitrite from the aquarium. Fish-In Cycle: To expose fish to toxins while using them as the source of ammonia to grow nitrogen cycle bacteria. Exposure to ammonia burns the gills and other soft tissue, stresses the fish and lowers their immunity. Exposure to nitrite makes the blood unable to carry oxygen. Research methemglobinemia for details. Fishless Cycle: The safe way to grow more bacteria, faster, in an aquarium, pond or riparium. The method I give here was developed by 2 scientists who wanted to quickly grow enough bacteria to fully stock a tank all at one time, with no plants helping, and overstock it as is common with Rift Lake Cichlid tanks. 1a) Set up the tank and all the equipment. You can plant if you want. Include the proper dose of dechlorinator with the water. Optimum water chemistry: GH and KH above 3 German degrees of hardness. A lot harder is just fine. pH above 7, and into the mid 8s is just fine. (7.5-8 seems to be optimum) Temperature in the upper 70s F (mid 20s C) is good. Higher (to 95*F or about 35*C) is OK if the water is well aerated. A trace of other minerals may help. Usually this comes in with the water, but if you have a pinch of KH2PO4, and trace elements like CSM+B that may be helpful. High oxygen level. Make sure the filter and power heads are running well. Plenty of water circulation. No toxins in the tank. If you washed the tank, or any part of the system with any sort of cleanser, soap, detergent, bleach or anything else make sure it is well rinsed. Do not put your hands in the tank when you are wearing any sort of cosmetics, perfume or hand lotion. No fish medicines of any sort. A trace of salt (sodium chloride) is OK, but not required. This method of growing bacteria will work in a marine system, too. The species of bacteria are different. 1b) Optional: Add any source of the bacteria that you are growing to seed the tank. Cycled media from a healthy tank is good. Decor or some gravel from a cycled tank is OK. Live plants or plastic are OK. I have even heard of the right bacteria growing in the bio film found on driftwood. (So if you have been soaking some driftwood in preparation to adding it to the tank, go ahead and put it into the tank) Bottled bacteria is great, but only if it contains Nitrospira species of bacteria. Read the label and do not waste your money on anything else. At the time this was written the right species could be found in: Dr. Tims One and Only Tetra Safe Start Microbe Lift Nite Out II ...and perhaps others. You do not have to jump start the cycle. The right species of bacteria are all around, and will find the tank pretty fast. 2) Add ammonia until the test reads 5 ppm. This ammonia is the cheapest you can find. No surfactants, no perfumes. Read the fine print. This is often found at discount stores like Dollar Tree, or hardware stores like Ace. You could also use a dead shrimp form the grocery store, or fish food. Protein breaks down to become ammonia. You do not have good control over the ammonia level, though. Some substrates release ammonia when they are submerged for the first time. Monitor the level and do enough water changes to keep the ammonia at the levels detailed below. 3) Test daily. For the first few days not much will happen, but the bacteria that remove ammonia are getting started. Finally the ammonia starts to drop. Add a little more, once a day, to test 5 ppm. 4) Test for nitrite. A day or so after the ammonia starts to drop the nitrite will show up. When it does allow the ammonia to drop to 3 ppm. 5) Test daily. Add ammonia to 3 ppm once a day. If the nitrite or ammonia go to 5 ppm do a water change to get these lower. The ammonia removing species and the nitrite removing species (Nitrospira) do not do well when the ammonia or nitrite are over 5 ppm. 6) When the ammonia and nitrite both hit zero 24 hours after you have added the ammonia the cycle is done. You can challenge the bacteria by adding a bit more than 3 ppm ammonia, and it should be able to handle that, too, within 24 hours. 7) Now test the nitrate. Probably sky high! Do as big a water change as needed to lower the nitrate until it is safe for fish. Certainly well under 20, and a lot lower is better. This may call for more than one water change, and up to 100% water change is not a problem. Remember the dechlor! If you will be stocking right away (within 24 hours) no need to add more ammonia. If stocking will be delayed keep feeding the bacteria by adding ammonia to 3 ppm once a day. You will need to do another water change right before adding the fish. __________________________ Helpful hints: A) You can run a fishless cycle in a bucket to grow bacteria on almost any filter media like bio balls, sponges, ceramic bio noodles, lava rock or Matala mats. Simply set up any sort of water circulation such as a fountain pump or air bubbler and add the media to the bucket. Follow the directions for the fishless cycle. When the cycle is done add the media to the filter. I have run a canister filter in a bucket and done the fishless cycle. The nitrogen cycle bacteria will live under a wide range of conditions and bounce back from minor set backs. By following the set up suggestions in part 1a) you are setting up optimum conditions for fastest reproduction and growth. GH and KH can be as low as 1 degree, but watch it! These bacteria may use the carbon in carbonates, and if it is all used up (KH = 0) the bacteria may die off. They use the carbon from CO2, and this is generally pretty low in water, but can be replenished from the air and from carbonates. Keep the carbonates up to keep the pH up, too. pH as low as 6.5 is OK, but by 6.0 the bacteria are not going to be doing very well. They are still there, and will recover pretty well when conditions get better. To grow them at optimum rates, keep the pH on the alkaline side of neutral. Temperature almost to freezing is OK, but they must not freeze, and they are not very active at all. They do survive in a pond, but they are slow to warm up and get going in the spring. This is where you might need to grow some in a bucket in a warm place and supplement the pond population. Too warm is not good, either. Tropical or room temperature tank temperatures are best. (68 to 85*F or 20 to 28*C) Moderate oxygen can be tolerated for a while. However, to remove lots of ammonia and nitrite these bacteria must have oxygen. They turn one into the other by adding oxygen. If you must stop running the filter for an hour or so, no problem. If longer, remove the media and keep it where it will get more oxygen. Once the bacteria are established they can tolerate some fish medicines. This is because they live in a complex film called Bio film on all the surfaces in the filter and the tank. Medicines do not enter the bio film well. These bacteria do not need to live under water. They do just fine in a humid location. They live in healthy garden soil, as well as wet locations. C) Planted tanks may not tolerate 3 ppm or 5 ppm ammonia. It is possible to cycle the tank at lower levels of ammonia so the plants do not get ammonia burn. Add ammonia to only 1 ppm, but test twice a day, and add ammonia as needed to keep it at 1 ppm. The plants are also part of the bio filter, and you may be able to add the fish sooner, if the plants are thriving. 1 ppm twice a day will grow almost as much bacteria as 3 ppm once a day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Χρήστος Posted July 17, 2017 #19 Share Posted July 17, 2017 Ρικάρδε τα αγγλικά μου είναι χάλια και θα ήθελα ώρες για να τα αποκρυπτογραφίσω όποτε τα αγνοώ. Αν θες γράψε το ρεζουμέ του κάθε συγγραφέα για να ξέρω τη υποστηρίζει. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fwtini Posted July 17, 2017 #20 Share Posted July 17, 2017 wow σοβαρα δεν εκατσα να διαβασω οοολο αυτο.. αλλα εχω διαβασει το βιβλιο της walstad, για την ακριβεια ηταν το πρωτο που διαβασα πριν ξεκινησω να στηνω το ενυδρειο μου, και δεν αντιλεγω ως προς τη μεθοδο σου, ουτε καποιος εδω μεσα, απ'οσα διαβασα. προσωπικα περιμενω τα νεα σου γτ ειλικρινα, ποιος δε θελει να στησει ενυδρειο κ να αποφυγει την εκθεση των ψαριων του στην αμμωνια? εχω κ στο μυαλο μου να φτιαξω ενα μεγαλυτερο καποια στιγμη οποτε με ενδιαφερει πολυ να μαθω την ολη διαδικασια. κ απο μενα μπραβο σου που το επιχειρεις Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣ Posted July 17, 2017 #21 Share Posted July 17, 2017 πριν 3 ώρες, το μέλος Rik έγραψε: Επειδή το να υποστηρίζω την ολοκλήρωση του κύκλου και μετά να μπει οποιοδήποτε ζωντανό μπορεί να θεωρηθεί προσωπική μου πεποίθηση και να φαίνετε σαν να βάλομε προς όλους και όλες νομίζοντας ότι είμαι κάποιος κολλημένος και συντηρητικών πεποιθήσεων, σας αναφέρω μερικούς μεγάλους επαγγελματίες και βιολόγους του χωρου για το πιες είναι οι κατευθύνσεις τους ως προς το θέμα. Takashi Amano Question: If you do not have the confidence to begin, or doubt your inherent artistic abilities, this article is for you. It is meant to be your guide. Follow the guidelines and you will not only achieve your goal — you will soon become an experienced aquascaping artist! Answer: Before we begin, you need to understand that plants AND fishes are equally important in your aquarium, and that by providing the best conditions for your plants to grow, you actually are doing the same for your fishes. When your plants have everything they need to grow well, they simultaneously provide the best conditions for your fishes, as plants use up wastes and excessive nutrients in the water that may cause Nitrate levels to spike, and in return produce oxygen which is indispensable to the life of fishes. You also need to know that whenever you start a new set-up, your tank needs to cycle before you put in any fish. Granted, there are some wonderfully magic potions these days, that will allow you to almost instantly create an aquarium — and you can use them even when using my method — but some cycling is really better, because it saves you all those problems you are likely to encounter while your tank still struggles to balance itself, potion or not. So ask yourself: Is instant really the best thing for you? Consider this: Amano, the master of planted tanks, works in exactly the way I encourage you to work, and in the rare instance when he works with an already filled tank, he will not even touch a single plant or rock before the tank he is going to work in is fully cycled! If you follow my way, you will embrace cycling. With my method, planting is the last task of your aquascaping process, because you will have completed the main part of designing and creating the aquascape well before – and outside of your tank! What is more, instead of experiencing the frustration of waiting aimlessly through the cycling process, you will actually be able to look at a tank full of beautiful plants beginning to settle and grow in — well on its way to becoming a stunning aquarium, and in the meantime will be able to ensure that everything runs perfectly, well before you introduce fish. Tom Barr After setting up your tank give it a week or two to see how it is behaving and if the plants have settled down and have started growing. Also make sure that your water parameters are fine. If this is the case and ONLY if you have also planted very heavily, then you can go ahead and add a couple of algae eaters into your tank. Algae eaters go a long way in keeping your tank spotless and algae free, more-so in such a tank where algae growth, if any, will be very slow and the fish will be able to keep up with it. Otos are regarded as one of the best algae eating fish out there although there are other fish/inverts you could pick too (eg: SAE, shrimps). Some might balk at the idea of adding fish to an “uncycled” tank, but the truth of the matter is that if you have a heavily planted tank in which the plants are healthy and growing, the plants will effectively cycle the tank by immediately consuming any ammonia that is introduced into the system. After 2-3 more weeks if everything is going well and your plants are growing and look healthy you can go ahead and add the rest of your fish. Diana Walstad Top Fin Bacterial Supplement has the wrong species of bacteria. Waste of money. Here is the fishless cycle. Make sure the water parameters are in the correct ranges for optimum growth of the bacteria. If you want to add a bacterial supplement make sure you select one that has the correct species of bacteria: Nitrospira. Since your tank already has too much ammonia, I would do a really big water change (100%, then partial fill, then 100%) before adding any Nitrospira. Generally these products do well when there is just a trace of ammonia to get them going, then they can get themselves established very quickly and can deal with rising ammonia for example from soil that has just been submerged. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cycle: To grow the beneficial bacteria that remove ammonia and nitrite from the aquarium. Fish-In Cycle: To expose fish to toxins while using them as the source of ammonia to grow nitrogen cycle bacteria. Exposure to ammonia burns the gills and other soft tissue, stresses the fish and lowers their immunity. Exposure to nitrite makes the blood unable to carry oxygen. Research methemglobinemia for details. Fishless Cycle: The safe way to grow more bacteria, faster, in an aquarium, pond or riparium. The method I give here was developed by 2 scientists who wanted to quickly grow enough bacteria to fully stock a tank all at one time, with no plants helping, and overstock it as is common with Rift Lake Cichlid tanks. 1a) Set up the tank and all the equipment. You can plant if you want. Include the proper dose of dechlorinator with the water. Optimum water chemistry: GH and KH above 3 German degrees of hardness. A lot harder is just fine. pH above 7, and into the mid 8s is just fine. (7.5-8 seems to be optimum) Temperature in the upper 70s F (mid 20s C) is good. Higher (to 95*F or about 35*C) is OK if the water is well aerated. A trace of other minerals may help. Usually this comes in with the water, but if you have a pinch of KH2PO4, and trace elements like CSM+B that may be helpful. High oxygen level. Make sure the filter and power heads are running well. Plenty of water circulation. No toxins in the tank. If you washed the tank, or any part of the system with any sort of cleanser, soap, detergent, bleach or anything else make sure it is well rinsed. Do not put your hands in the tank when you are wearing any sort of cosmetics, perfume or hand lotion. No fish medicines of any sort. A trace of salt (sodium chloride) is OK, but not required. This method of growing bacteria will work in a marine system, too. The species of bacteria are different. 1b) Optional: Add any source of the bacteria that you are growing to seed the tank. Cycled media from a healthy tank is good. Decor or some gravel from a cycled tank is OK. Live plants or plastic are OK. I have even heard of the right bacteria growing in the bio film found on driftwood. (So if you have been soaking some driftwood in preparation to adding it to the tank, go ahead and put it into the tank) Bottled bacteria is great, but only if it contains Nitrospira species of bacteria. Read the label and do not waste your money on anything else. At the time this was written the right species could be found in: Dr. Tims One and Only Tetra Safe Start Microbe Lift Nite Out II ...and perhaps others. You do not have to jump start the cycle. The right species of bacteria are all around, and will find the tank pretty fast. 2) Add ammonia until the test reads 5 ppm. This ammonia is the cheapest you can find. No surfactants, no perfumes. Read the fine print. This is often found at discount stores like Dollar Tree, or hardware stores like Ace. You could also use a dead shrimp form the grocery store, or fish food. Protein breaks down to become ammonia. You do not have good control over the ammonia level, though. Some substrates release ammonia when they are submerged for the first time. Monitor the level and do enough water changes to keep the ammonia at the levels detailed below. 3) Test daily. For the first few days not much will happen, but the bacteria that remove ammonia are getting started. Finally the ammonia starts to drop. Add a little more, once a day, to test 5 ppm. 4) Test for nitrite. A day or so after the ammonia starts to drop the nitrite will show up. When it does allow the ammonia to drop to 3 ppm. 5) Test daily. Add ammonia to 3 ppm once a day. If the nitrite or ammonia go to 5 ppm do a water change to get these lower. The ammonia removing species and the nitrite removing species (Nitrospira) do not do well when the ammonia or nitrite are over 5 ppm. 6) When the ammonia and nitrite both hit zero 24 hours after you have added the ammonia the cycle is done. You can challenge the bacteria by adding a bit more than 3 ppm ammonia, and it should be able to handle that, too, within 24 hours. 7) Now test the nitrate. Probably sky high! Do as big a water change as needed to lower the nitrate until it is safe for fish. Certainly well under 20, and a lot lower is better. This may call for more than one water change, and up to 100% water change is not a problem. Remember the dechlor! If you will be stocking right away (within 24 hours) no need to add more ammonia. If stocking will be delayed keep feeding the bacteria by adding ammonia to 3 ppm once a day. You will need to do another water change right before adding the fish. __________________________ Helpful hints: A) You can run a fishless cycle in a bucket to grow bacteria on almost any filter media like bio balls, sponges, ceramic bio noodles, lava rock or Matala mats. Simply set up any sort of water circulation such as a fountain pump or air bubbler and add the media to the bucket. Follow the directions for the fishless cycle. When the cycle is done add the media to the filter. I have run a canister filter in a bucket and done the fishless cycle. The nitrogen cycle bacteria will live under a wide range of conditions and bounce back from minor set backs. By following the set up suggestions in part 1a) you are setting up optimum conditions for fastest reproduction and growth. GH and KH can be as low as 1 degree, but watch it! These bacteria may use the carbon in carbonates, and if it is all used up (KH = 0) the bacteria may die off. They use the carbon from CO2, and this is generally pretty low in water, but can be replenished from the air and from carbonates. Keep the carbonates up to keep the pH up, too. pH as low as 6.5 is OK, but by 6.0 the bacteria are not going to be doing very well. They are still there, and will recover pretty well when conditions get better. To grow them at optimum rates, keep the pH on the alkaline side of neutral. Temperature almost to freezing is OK, but they must not freeze, and they are not very active at all. They do survive in a pond, but they are slow to warm up and get going in the spring. This is where you might need to grow some in a bucket in a warm place and supplement the pond population. Too warm is not good, either. Tropical or room temperature tank temperatures are best. (68 to 85*F or 20 to 28*C) Moderate oxygen can be tolerated for a while. However, to remove lots of ammonia and nitrite these bacteria must have oxygen. They turn one into the other by adding oxygen. If you must stop running the filter for an hour or so, no problem. If longer, remove the media and keep it where it will get more oxygen. Once the bacteria are established they can tolerate some fish medicines. This is because they live in a complex film called Bio film on all the surfaces in the filter and the tank. Medicines do not enter the bio film well. These bacteria do not need to live under water. They do just fine in a humid location. They live in healthy garden soil, as well as wet locations. C) Planted tanks may not tolerate 3 ppm or 5 ppm ammonia. It is possible to cycle the tank at lower levels of ammonia so the plants do not get ammonia burn. Add ammonia to only 1 ppm, but test twice a day, and add ammonia as needed to keep it at 1 ppm. The plants are also part of the bio filter, and you may be able to add the fish sooner, if the plants are thriving. 1 ppm twice a day will grow almost as much bacteria as 3 ppm once a day. Να παραθέσω κι εγω ένα άρθρο για το κύκλο του αζώτου ; 概要 窒素の最大の貯蔵所は大気であり、大気の78%は窒素ガス(N2)である。窒素ガスは、極めて不活性な物質であり、ほとんどの生物は利用できない。従って空中の窒素は、そのままでは窒素の循環の経路にはなりがたい。実際にはこの窒素は窒素固定と呼ばれるプロセスによって「固定」される。窒素固定とは、窒素ガスを他の窒素化合物(硝酸塩やアンモニア)へと変換する反応のことであり、例えば窒素と酸素から硝酸塩(NO3-)などを生成する反応を指す。窒素固定は、雷でも起きるが、19世紀までは、主役は土壌内の窒素固定能力を持ったバクテリアであり、例えばマメ科植物の根にある根粒菌も窒素固定を行う。窒素固定菌は、ある酵素を使って窒素ガスを硝酸塩に変化させる。硝酸塩は植物や動物によって消費され、上述のタンパク質やDNAなどの生合成に利用される。タンパク質などは食物連鎖によって循環していく。 動植物に使われた窒素は、排泄物や死体の腐乱によって解放される。腐食動物や分解者が動植物の排泄物や死体を分解し、窒素はアンモニア(NH3)に姿を変える。アンモニアは毒性があり、土壌内の亜硝酸菌がアンモニアを亜硝酸塩(NO2-)に変化させる。亜硝酸塩も多くの生物は利用できないが、硝酸菌が亜硝酸塩を硝酸塩に変化させ、再び生物が利用可能な形になる。一部の硝酸塩は脱窒のプロセスを経て窒素ガスに変化する。 このような無機窒素化合物を利用できるのは植物と菌類であり、それらがこれを吸収してアミノ酸など有機窒素化合物を合成し、動物はそれを利用することができる。 生物の窒素の排泄 ヒトがタンパク質などから取り入れた窒素のうち、過剰分が尿の中に尿素の形で排泄される(尿には尿素が含まれており、成人は尿素を 1日 30 g ほど排泄する。)。生体内では、尿素回路によりアンモニアから尿素が産生される。 最も簡単な窒素化合物はアンモニアであるが、人体に有害なため、安全な尿素として蓄えられ水溶液として排泄される。ただし水溶性であるから水と共に捨てなければならず、濃縮にも一定のエネルギーを要する。 水の確保が重要な問題となる生活ではこの点で尿酸にしたほうが有利である。これは尿酸は尿素に比べ濃縮が可能であり、体内に一時的に保持するにあたって水分をあまり必要としないためである。また、硬い殻を持つ卵から生まれる際に、代謝に伴って生じた窒素化合物を体外へ排出することが出来ない。硬い殻(閉鎖卵)を有する卵生の動物では、尿を殻の外に排泄できないため、アンモニアでは有害であり、尿素では浸透圧が高くなりすぎ、水にわずかしか溶けない尿酸の形で排泄することにより有害性と浸透圧の両方の問題を解決している。 窒素の排泄は、硬骨魚類ではアンモニア、哺乳類、両生類、軟骨魚類では尿素、鳥類や爬虫類では尿酸のかたちで行われる[1][2]。なお、軟骨魚類は、浸透圧調節のため、尿素やトリメチルアミンオキサイドを体内に蓄積している[3]。 人工的な窒素固定 20世紀に入ると、ハーバー・ボッシュ法が発明され、窒素と水素からアンモニアが合成されるようになった。またオストワルト法によりアンモニアから硝酸が人工的に作られ、肥料として用いられるようになった。これらの化学手法が工業化されることで、現在の生体窒素の半分が工業的に固定化された窒素を利用している。言い換えると、我々の体内にあるタンパク質のうち、半分はどこかの工場でハーバー・ボッシュ法を経たものが、窒素循環により巡ってきたものである。 全世界のアンモニアの年間生産量(2010年)は1.6億tで、そのうち8割が肥料用であると言われている[4]。生物による窒素固定は1.8億t、雷等の自然放電による生成と排気ガスのNOxで0.4億tと言われている。 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣ Posted July 17, 2017 #22 Share Posted July 17, 2017 Μα τώρα γίνετε κουβέντα σε Ελληνικό φόρουμ με αυτό το τρόπο ; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣ Posted July 17, 2017 #23 Share Posted July 17, 2017 πριν 14 ώρες, το μέλος Rik έγραψε: Αγγελε ξεχνας πως ο ψαρις σου αρρωστησε...που το βλεπεις το ολα καλα;;; και δεν εισαι ουτε ο πρωτος ουτε ο τελευταιος που την παταει. Η διάγνωση έδειξε ότι φταίει το στρώσιμο ; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.Angelos Posted July 17, 2017 #24 Share Posted July 17, 2017 πριν 29 λεπτά, το μέλος ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣ έγραψε: Η διάγνωση έδειξε ότι φταίει το στρώσιμο ; οχι ich ειχε ο ψαρις Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣ Posted July 17, 2017 #25 Share Posted July 17, 2017 πριν 4 ώρες, το μέλος Mr.Angelos έγραψε: οχι ich ειχε ο ψαρις Μπορεί όμως να ήταν απο στρεσάρισμα κατα το στρώσιμο και να έχει δίκιο ο Rik. Μετά απο πόσο καιρό λειτουργίας παρουσιάστηκε το πρόβλημα ; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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