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Xreiazomai th voitheia sas gia ena clown glykou nerou to opoio to exw parei zevgari me allo ena edw kai 6 mhnes peripou.

Ton teleutaio mhna, logw auxhmenwn nitrikwn taizw mia fora thn hmera poly ligh trofh (shmeiwsh: to enydreio einai 120lt - 1 scalari, 10 rednose, 10 cardinals, 2 silver sharks, 2 clowns, 1 rosi tetra + 1 erythros shark - gatopsara kai plakostomos tous exasa mallon logw zesths!).

Auto pou parathrisa, einai oti o enas clown exei leptynei poly. Parolla auta, otan rixnw trofh trwei kai einai poly kinitiko mesa sto enydreio...

Prepei na anysyxw gia kati? Prepei na kanw kati gia na epanelthei?

Olles oi gnwmes tha voithisoun poly

Eyxaristw prokatavolika!

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Καταρχήν έχεις ΠΑΡΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ ψάρια για τα λίτρα σου.

Τα νιτρικά σου γιατί είναι αυξημμένα? Καθε πότε κανεις αλλαγή??

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